More time for you and your family

Agenda for clinics integrated with WhatsApp

Callendar schedules and sends reminders to your patients via WhatsApp ® automatically

Conversation about rescheduling consultation on Callendar through WhatsApp

Our partners


Automate your clinic's WhatsApp

Optimize the management of your medical, dental, or other professional practice with our automation solution designed for you.

Focus on what you studied: human behavior and mental processes. Leave WhatsApp, scheduling, and sending reminders to Callendar.
If you see more than 10 patients a day, do you really have time to be constantly on WhatsApp? Try Callendar today.
Your goal is to alleviate and prevent conditions and diseases to improve patients' quality of life. Not to be on WhatsApp 24/7.
Focus on perfecting your medical skills and continuing your education. While you focus on learning, let Callendar handle WhatsApp, appointments, and patient reminders.
Focus your vision on the study and treatment of the eyes. While you take care of your patients' eyesight, let Callendar handle WhatsApp, appointments, and reminders.
You focus on the study, diagnosis, and treatment of the skin, the largest organ of the body. Let Callendar handle WhatsApp appointment management.
Veterinary simplifies appointment management for veterinary clinics. Automate bookings and client communications via WhatsApp, improving efficiency and service experience. Ideal for consultations, vaccinations, and emergencies.
Beauty and Aesthetic Centers
Prioritize the beauty and well-being of your clients while Callendar takes care of the organization. Our platform manages your beauty appointments, aesthetic treatments, and reminders via WhatsApp, allowing you to focus on providing unique experiences.
Beauty salons

Discover how can transform your beauty salon, optimizing your agenda and communications. Our system, specialized in WhatsApp appointment automation, allows you to manage bookings, send automatic reminders, and promote your services effectively.

Beauty salons

Make the health of your animal patients your only concern. While you focus on diagnoses and treatments, Callendar efficiently manages your appointments and reminders via WhatsApp. We facilitate the organization of your consultations, vaccinations, and any procedure, optimizing your communication with pet owners.


Callendar serves your patients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

This Calendar for WhatsApp takes care of scheduling new appointments, sending reminders, and keeping you informed about your agenda for the upcoming days and weeks.

WhatsApp chat interface showing Callendar appointment reminders

Modernize your agenda: Goodbye to old paper agendas

Finally, an agenda designed for clinics and integrated with WhatsApp. Callendar is the first agenda for clinics truly integrated with WhatsApp. Callendar minimizes no-shows by sending automatic reminders via WhatsApp.

Disorganized paper medical agenda

Send WhatsApp reminders from Google Calendar

Do you prefer to use Google Calendar? No problem, appointments created in your Callendar Agenda are shown in Google Calendar and the time you book in Google Calendar will also be booked in your Callendar agenda. And there's more, for appointments booked in your Google Calendar, automatic reminders will also be sent via WhatsApp.

Send WhatsApp reminders from Google Calendar


Discover how Callendar schedules appointments, reschedules, and sends reminders via WhatsApp

The first agenda for clinics that integrates with WhatsApp and includes an Artificial Intelligence-based Virtual Assistant.


Try it FREE for 7 days

No credit card required - Monthly price per professional or per office, you choose


The essential option for independent professionals with an office

$USD 29 /month
  • Online calendar
  • WhatsApp reminder one day before the appointment


Small clinics with several professionals and offices

$USD 65 /month
  • Everything included in the One version
  • Multi team and multi office
  • Auto-rescheduling via WhatsApp
  • WhatsApp reminder hours before the appointment
  • Google Calendar integration
  • Configurable reminders


Larger clinics that need integration with other systems

USD $95 /month
  • Everything included in the MultiPro version
  • Auto-scheduling via WhatsApp
  • Reconnection with inactive patients (WhatsApp Marketing)
  • Priority technical support
  • Integrations with the clinic or center's software
  • Own number (Official WhatsApp API)


FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Understand how your new Callendar agenda works

Once you activate your account, simply copy the appointments you have scheduled one by one from your paper agenda to Callendar.


Success Stories with Callendar

How professionals and clinics revolutionize their daily operations by integrating WhatsApp into their appointment management, improving communication and operational efficiency

With Callendar, I can separate my private WhatsApp from my clinic's WhatsApp. Before, I received messages from patients at all times and had to send reminders manually.

profile picture
Andrea Mesa

Want to have more free time?

Start using your Callendar Agenda for free right now!

WhatsApp chat showing automatic appointment scheduling with Callendar

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